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July 16, 2016 EAA Chapter1563 Minutes

EAA Chapter 1563

EAA Chapter 1563

Membership Meeting Minutes

July 16, 2016




Meeting was called to order by President, Fred Rollins, at 1115

Members Present:  13


Minutes from the April 16, 2016, meeting were approved with no changes


Treasurer’s Report:

            The current balance in the checking account is $ 1,015.00.


Fred Rollins reported that he had attended a tour of the RIC (Richmond) FAA Tower sponsored by the Richmond EAA Chapter 231.  He stated that Chapter. 231 wants to have a joint meeting with our chapter at Louisa sometime in the future.  He also said that Chapter. 231 is trying to organize a fly-in at DCA (Regan National).  Barry Toole is the contact person at 231.


Stan Kirdulis reported that Bridgewater Airport has a Constellation, Columbine II, on the field that is interesting to see.  The contact person for viewing/touring the aircraft is Avis Foster:  afoster@dynamicaviation.com.  Phone: 540-828-6070.  Wikipedia has a good summary of the history of Columbine II and how it came to be at Bridgewater:  en.m.wikipedia.org/wiki/Columbine II.


Fred Rollins announced that at our next meeting, Daniel Arkin from the Virginia Festival of Flight will make a presentation about that event which is scheduled to begin Oct. 8, 2016, in Suffolk.  The website is:  virginiafestivalofflight.org.


Paul McKinley spoke about the current status of the Chapter 1563 website.  He initially indicated he had explored tagging the Chapter website onto the EAA Chapter Website already extant.  However, after some discussion he said he recommended a free-standing website with a link from EAA and to the Town Council Website.  A motion was made, seconded, and passed by voice vote to appoint Paul as official website manager for the Chapter.  He asked that members send him pictures of their projects and/or activities for inclusion in the website design.


The meeting was closed at 1215.
